JavaScript Restrictor
Browser extension that improves privacy and security
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 http_shield_chrome.jsThis file contains functions for Network Boundary Shield in Chromium-based browsers
 alea.jsRandom number generator
 background.jsMain background script
 code_builders.jsFunctions that build code that modifies JS evironment provided to page scripts
 crc16.jsCRC16 algorithm
 document_start.jsMain script launched when a page is being loaded by a browser
 fp_code_builders.jsFunctions that help to automate process of building wrapping code for FPD module
 fp_detect_background.jsFingerprint Detector (FPD) main logic, fingerprinting evaluation and other essentials
 fp_levels.jsFPD module initial configuration
 fp_report.jsFunctions that summarize fingerprints and generate FPD report
 helpers.jsSimple functions that can be used by the extension
 http_shield_common.jsThis file contains common functions for Network Boundary Shield
 i18n_translate_dom.jsJS code that retrieves all HTML files with data-localize attributes and localizes them
 level_cache.jsHandle domain-specific levels
 levels.jsOperations and data structures connected to protection levels
 options.jsCode that handles the configuration of the extension
 options_advanced.jsCode that handles the configuration of the extension
 options_domains.jsCode that handles domain-specific levels handling in options
 options_init.jsCode that handles initialization in the options pages
 popup.jsJS code for pop up
 session_hash.jsA cache for session and domain hashes, used for Farbling
 settings_tweaks.jsFine-tuning of the JShelter settings, for example, based on domains
 tweaks_gui.jsJS code for the JS Shield tweak GUI
 update.jsCode that updates configuration stored by the user after upgrades
 url.jsFunctions that handles working with URLs
 wrapping.jsMain file handling wrappers
 wrappingL-CANVAS.jsLibrary of functions for the Canvas API wrappers
 wrappingL-SENSOR.jsLibrary of functions for the Generic Sensor API wrappers
 wrappingS-AJAX.jsWrappers for XMLHttpRequest standard
 wrappingS-BATTERY-CR.jsWrappers for Battery Status API
 wrappingS-BE.jsWrappers for that disables the Beacon API
 wrappingS-COOP-SCHEDULING.jsWrappers for Cooperative Scheduling of Background Tasks API
 wrappingS-DM.jsWrappers for navigator.deviceMemory property
 wrappingS-DOM.jsThis file contains wrappers for the DOM API
 wrappingS-ECMA-ARRAY.jsWrappers for arrays from the ECMA standard library
 wrappingS-ECMA-DATE.jsWrappers for the Date object
 wrappingS-ECMA-SHARED.jsWrappers for SharedArrayBuffer
 wrappingS-EME.jsThis file contains wrappers for the EME standard
 wrappingS-GEO.jsThis file contains wrappers for the Geolocation API
 wrappingS-GP.jsThis file contains wrappers for the Gamepad API
 wrappingS-H-C.jsThis file contains wrappers for Canvas-related calls
 wrappingS-HRT.jsWrappers for High Resolution Time (Level 2) standard
 wrappingS-HTML-LS.jsWrappers for Workers
 wrappingS-HTML.jsThis file contains wrapper that clears the property
 wrappingS-HTML5.jsThis file contains wrappers for HTML Audio and Video elements
 wrappingS-IDLE.jsWrappers for Idle Detection API
 wrappingS-MCS.jsWrappers for Media Capture and Streams standard
 wrappingS-MEDIA-CAPABILITIES.jsThis file contains wrappers for the Media Capabilities APIs
 wrappingS-NET.jsWrappers for NetworkInformation
 wrappingS-NFC.jsWrappers for Web NFC API
 wrappingS-NP.jsWrappers for NavigatorPlugins
 wrappingS-PT2.jsWrappers for Performance Timeline (Level 2) standard
 wrappingS-SENSOR-ACCEL.jsWrappers for the Accelerometer Sensor, LinearAccelerationSensor, and GravitySensor
 wrappingS-SENSOR-GYRO.jsWrappers for the Gyroscope Sensor
 wrappingS-SENSOR-LIGHT.jsWrappers for the Ambient Light Sensor
 wrappingS-SENSOR-MAGNET.jsWrappers for the Magnetometer Sensor
 wrappingS-SENSOR-ORIENT.jsWrappers for the AbsoluteOrientationSensor and RelativeOrientationSensor
 wrappingS-SENSOR.jsWrappers for Generic Sensor API
 wrappingS-VR.jsThis file contains wrappers for the original Virtual Reality API
 wrappingS-WEBA.jsWrappers for Web Audio API
 wrappingS-WEBGL.jsWrappers for WebGL Specification standards (both 1.0 and 2.0)
 wrappingS-XR.jsThis file contains wrappers for the current Virtual/Augmented Reality API (WebXR)
 http_shield_firefox.jsThis file contains Firefox-specific functions for Network Boundary Shield
 levels_browser.jsModifies the levels.js data structures to accomodate for Firefox-specific configuration
 options_nbs.jsCode that handles NBS options specific to Firefox