"RESULTS: Measurement of JavaScript API usage on the web"

A previous blogpost introduced a methodology to measure the usage of JavaScript APIs on the web by crawling the web. The starting point of our web crawling research is the work of Peter Snyder. Most importantly, we wanted to compare the differences in JS API usage between browsers with and without privacy extension (e.g., uBlock Origin). We have finished the development of the crawling tool. We crawled thousands of websites and collected JavaScript calls on the visited web pages.

This blog post introduces the methodology and results of the crawling.


When a user opens a webpage in a JavaScript-enabled web browser, that webpage can access various APIs supported by the web browser. The webpage can read, for example, the value of performance.now(), battery status or data from sensors (when available). All these values can be misused to create a device fingerprint that can be used to identify the user.

We aim to research how JS APIs are used on websites. The main research questions are: * What APIs do websites use? * How many APIs does a website use? * What endpoints do websites access most often? * How many JS calls are made? * What are the differences in results in all the previous questions with an active privacy web-browser extension (e.g., uBlock Origin)? For example, What JS calls are blocked by uBlock Origin?

The answers to these questions should help us better understand websites' behaviour. Based on the obtained data, we want to define the suspicious behaviour indicating that the website is trying to fingerprint the user's device.

We plan to keep the anti-fingerprint mechanism updated based on derived heuristics. The heuristics are derived from the following statistics:

  • How many APIs and endpoints does the website access?
  • How many JS calls did the website make?
  • Is the number and combination of JS APIs calls suspicious?

When our anti-fingerprint mechanism detects suspicious combinations or a high number of used APIs, it can block communication with the webpage.


We have developed Web crawler - a tool for automatically visiting websites from a given list and collecting JavaScript calls made by the website. Our Web crawler is based on the OpenWPM platform. A modified web browser extension Web API Manager collects statistics on called JS APIs.

The crawling process can be described in the following steps:

  1. The python script start_docker_runs.py launches the Docker image martan305/web_crawler. The parameters set in the Python startup script are given to the Docker container as environmental variables.
  2. If a privacy extension is required (in the script parameter), uBlock Origin will be installed as soon as the web browser is started.
  3. Python script running in the container visits web pages from a given list one by one.
  4. The browser waits for 30 seconds on each page. The customised web browser extension Web API Manager intercepts JS calls and stores the stats into the SQLite database.
  5. When the script finishes the crawl of assigned pages, it checks if there is a batch of pages not yet visited. If there is an unprocessed batch, the crawling continues with step 3 and the new list of web pages to visit. If the crawler visited all sites, the crawling ends.

For now, we only visited the homepages because we wanted to visit as many different websites as possible. In the future, we plan to launch long-term crawling, which will include subpages. In particular, we want to focus on visiting login pages, where we expect fingerprint scripts to be included. Then, we can compare API calls on login pages and other pages.

Afterwards, we analyse the collected data with a standalone analysis tool. The analysis process consists of the following steps:

  1. Databases created by browsing with and without the web-browser extension uBlock Origin are loaded separately.
  2. Aggregation SQL queries are executed in databases. The results are loaded into Python dictionaries.
  3. Data sets are analysed, compared and the results are exported to CSV files.

Measurement results

This section presents the results of the analysis.

We tried to visit the first 250 000 websites from the Tranco list X79N. 211 843 homepages of websites from the Tranco list were successfully visited in both modes - with and without uBlock Origin. More than 4 000 000 000 JS calls were intercepted and stored into 5 000 SQLite databases that have a total size of over 880 GB.

Let us focus on the answers to the research questions on JavaScript API calls made by the websites. This blog post usually lists only 10 result lines for each experiment. Complete tables with all rows can be found in the results stored on the server.

The meaning of the table columns: * Endpoint = a function or a property provided by a web browser. * API = a group of functions and properties that are thematically related. * Website = URL of the visited website. * Calls without uBlock Origin = the number of JavaScript calls intercepted without the uBlock Origin extension. * Calls with uBlock Origin = the number of JavaScript calls intercepted with the uBlock Origin extension. * Difference = the difference between the number of JavaScript calls intercepted with and without the uBlock Origin extension. * Difference [%] = the difference expressed as a percentage. Difference [%] = 100 * Difference/Calls without uBlock Origin * Websites without uBlock [%] - what percentage of websites use the given API (measured without the uBlock Origin extension installed). * Websites with uBlock [%] - what percentage of websites use the given API (measured with the uBlock Origin extension installed).

All result tables are sorted by the Difference [%] column decreasing.

The most blocked API

API Calls without uBlock Calls with uBlock Difference Difference [%]
Non-Standard 340 777 18 180 322 597 94,67%
Web Audio API 14 390 507 1 431 286 12 959 221 90,05%
Web Speech API 93 889 10 712 83 177 88,59%
Background Tasks API 5 950 947 954 740 4 996 207 83,96%
High Resolution Time (Level 2) 367 400 369 63 507 434 303 892 935 82,71%
Navigation Timing 8 160 1 749 6 411 78,57%
CSS Animations Level 1 1 301 317 984 75,63%
Beacon 223 209 62 651 160 558 71,93%
DOM Level 2: Traversal and Range 25 814 025 7 996 500 17 817 525 69,02%
Indexed Database API 1 308 464 408 983 899 481 68,74%

The most blocked API endpoints

Endpoint API Calls without uBlock Calls with uBlock Difference Difference [%]
Range.prototype.cloneContents DOM Level 2: Traversal and Range 2 603 16 2 587 99,39%
Range.prototype.setStartAfter DOM Level 2: Traversal and Range 1 234 9 1 225 99,27%
MessagePort.prototype.close HTML: Channel Messaging 51 802 416 51 386 99,20%
SubtleCrypto.prototype.deriveBits Web Cryptography API 208 2 206 99,04%
Range.prototype.selectNode DOM Level 2: Traversal and Range 337 795 7 384 330 411 97,81%
Range.prototype.getBoundingClientRect DOM Level 2: Traversal and Range 337 650 7 565 330 085 97,76%
Document.prototype.close HTML: Dynamic Markup Insertion 21 666 666 21 000 96,93%
Navigator.prototype.javaEnabled Non-Standard 334 580 11 781 322 799 96,48%
ServiceWorkerContainer.prototype.getRegistration Service Workers 34 176 1 375 32 801 95,98%
FormData.prototype.append XMLHttpRequest 670 137 27 767 642 370 95,86%

Use of APIs on websites

API Websites without uBlock [%] Websites with uBlock [%] Difference [%]
Non-Standard 62,06% 4,80% 57,29%
Web Cryptography API 61,40% 21,98% 39,56%
Beacon 32,91% 7,60% 25,36%
XMLHttpRequest 71,53% 47,76% 24,08%
HTML: Channel Messaging 45,58% 24,71% 21,03%
Performance Timeline 41,15% 21,22% 20,06%
High Resolution Time (Level 2) 57,37% 39,24% 18,39%
HTML 5 50,14% 33,45% 16,91%
HTML: Web Storage 65,69% 49,48% 16,53%
URL 29,73% 15,79% 14,05%
Web Speech API 14,41% 0,81% 13,61%
Background Tasks API 22,23% 9,40% 12,89%
HTML: Canvas Element 42,54% 29,89% 12,85%

The number of APIs used by the website

Average value - Number of APIs used without uBlock Origin: 18.78


Average value - Number of APIs used with uBlock Origin: 14.27


The number of JavaScript calls on websites

Average value - Number of JavaScript calls made without uBlock Origin: 10 629.92


Average value - Number of JavaScript calls made with uBlock Origin: 7 176.2


The number of endpoint calls on websites

Website Endpoint Calls without uBlock Calls with uBlock Difference Difference [%]
https://www.woolworths.co.za/ window.getComputedStyle 202 013 1 202 012 100,00%
https://www.superkopilka.com/ Performance.prototype.now 158 034 1 158 033 100,00%
https://www.jarir.com/ DOMTokenList.prototype.contains 156 917 1 156 916 100,00%
https://shm.ru/# Performance.prototype.now 153 653 1 153 652 100,00%
https://znanium.com/ Performance.prototype.now 138 465 1 138 464 100,00%
https://www.soliton.az/ Performance.prototype.now 137 467 1 137 466 100,00%
https://www.lasenza.com/ DOMTokenList.prototype.contains 118 945 1 118 944 100,00%
https://nethouse.ru/ Performance.prototype.now 113 580 1 113 579 100,00%
https://boodmo.com/ Performance.prototype.now 108 376 1 108 375 100,00%
https://fipi.ru/ Performance.prototype.now 108 255 1 108 254 100,00%
https://belregion.ru/ Performance.prototype.now 105 227 1 105 226 100,00%
https://tsargrad.tv/ Performance.prototype.now 99 445 1 99 444 100,00%

Measurement results for opensource websites only

As this project focuses on free and open source software, we compared the general results with a list of pages connected to free software or open source.

We collected the list of the home pages from Gentoo repository.

We tried to visit all 5 271 collected websites. 4 528 homepages were successfully visited in both modes, with and without uBlock Origin. More than 11 000 000 JS calls were intercepted and stored into 2 SQLite databases that have a total size of over 3 GB.

Only the first 10 lines of the analysis results are usually listed below. Complete tables with all rows can be found in the results stored on the server.

The most blocked API

API Calls without uBlock Calls with uBlock Difference Difference [%]
Resource Timing Level 2 348 8 340 97,70%
Non-Standard 1 711 66 1 645 96,14%
Background Tasks API 18 763 1 037 17 726 94,47%
Web Speech API 306 18 288 94,12%
HTML: Plugins 13 2 11 84,62%
Permissions API 705 186 519 73,62%
Performance Timeline 3 981 1 088 2 893 72,67%
High Resolution Time (Level 2) 849 390 232 806 616 584 72,59%
Navigation Timing 21 6 15 71,43%
Performance Timeline (Level 2) 2 548 745 1 803 70,76%
Storage API 3 1 2 66,67%
Beacon 727 250 477 65,61%
Web Cryptography API 7 632 2 928 4 704 61,64%

The most blocked API endpoints

Endpoint API Calls without uBlock Calls with uBlock Difference Difference [%]
IdleDeadline.prototype.timeRemaining Background Tasks API 2 258 2 2 256 99,91%
Element.prototype.getAttributeNames DOM 1 648 12 1 636 99,27%
MessagePort.prototype.close HTML: Channel Messaging 268 2 266 99,25%
Document.prototype.elementFromPoint CSS Object Model (CSSOM) 2 554 22 2 532 99,14%
Range.prototype.selectNode DOM Level 2: Traversal and Range 106 1 105 99,06%
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.createLinearGradient HTML: Canvas Element 4 634 56 4 578 98,79%
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.transform HTML: Canvas Element 37 792 845 36 947 97,76%
PerformanceResourceTiming.prototype.toJSON Resource Timing Level 2 348 8 340 97,70%
Navigator.prototype.javaEnabled Non-Standard 1 691 47 1 644 97,22%
PerformanceObserverEntryList.prototype.getEntriesByName Performance Timeline (Level 2) 52 2 50 96,15%
CanvasGradient.prototype.addColorStop HTML: Canvas Element 9 623 453 9 170 95,29%

Use of APIs on websites

API Websites without uBlock [%] Websites with uBlock [%] Difference [%]
Non-Standard 26,47% 1,13% 25,26%
Web Cryptography API 21,94% 7,24% 14,64%
XMLHttpRequest 26,42% 14,94% 11,41%
HTML 5 13,70% 9,08% 4,58%
Beacon 6,35% 1,76% 4,58%
Performance Timeline 10,07% 5,68% 4,36%
High Resolution Time (Level 2) 15,46% 11,12% 4,29%
HTML: Channel Messaging 10,79% 6,46% 4,29%
HTML: Web Storage 20,60% 16,26% 4,27%

The number of APIs used by the website

Average value - Number of APIs used without uBlock Origin: 7.4


Average value - Number of APIs used with uBlock Origin: 6.2


The number of JavaScript calls on websites

Average value - Number of JavaScript calls made without uBlock Origin: 1598.18


Average value - Number of JavaScript calls made with uBlock Origin: 1304.06


The number of endpoint calls on websites

Website Endpoint Calls without uBlock Calls with uBlock Difference Difference [%]
https://wci.llnl.gov/ Element.prototype.hasAttribute 34 860 1 34 859 100,00%
https://wiibrew.org/wiki/Main_Page Performance.prototype.now 6 512 1 6 511 99,98%
http://www.vsound.org/ Document.prototype.getElementById 5 797 1 5 796 99,98%
http://wormsofprey.org/ Document.prototype.getElementById 5 793 1 5 792 99,98%
http://konst.org.ua/ Element.prototype.setAttribute 4 248 1 4 247 99,98%
https://www.union.edu/mathematics Performance.prototype.now 5 317 2 5 315 99,96%
https://www.mongodb.com/ window.getComputedStyle 30 516 14 30 502 99,95%
https://www.monotype.com/ Performance.prototype.now 4 091 2 4 089 99,95%
https://sylabs.io/ Performance.prototype.now 1 839 1 1 838 99,95%
http://vlgothic.dicey.org/ Performance.prototype.now 3 427 2 3 425 99,94%
https://www.ppsspp.org/ Performance.prototype.now 3 397 2 3 395 99,94%

Measurement results for FingerPrint Detector

We designed the web crawling primarily to retrieve data to create or evaluate heuristics for the FingerPrint Detector (FPD). The above results are helpful in understanding the JavaScript APIs usage on the web. For FPD, only the name of the endpoint and the weight of this endpoint are important. The weight expresses how often a given endpoint is used to create a fingerprint.

The resulting table below was created from crawled data from websites of the Tranco list . Two data sets were combined to obtain more accurate results. The first dataset obtained while crawling with uBlock Origin, the second one obtained while crawling with uMatrix. The resulting endpoint weight (marked as average_weight) was calculated in Python as follows:

weight_uMatrix = max(0, 10 + ((10-len(str(calls)))/2) - ((100-(100*difference_uMatrix_percent))/3) )
weight_uBlock = max(0, 10 + ((10-len(str(calls)))/2) - ((100-(100*difference_uBlock_percent))/3) )

if weight_uMatrix > 0 and weight_uBlock > 0:
    average_weight = round((weight_uMatrix + weight_uBlock)/2)
    average_weight = 0

Again, only the first 10 lines of the FPD analysis result are listed below. Complete table with all rows can be found in the results stored on the server.

Endpoint Average weight uMatrix weight uBlock weight Calls without extension Calls with uMatrix Calls with uBlock Difference uMatrix Difference uBlock Difference uMatrix [%] Difference uBlock [%]
Range.prototype.setStartAfter 13 13,427 13,060 455 1 6 454 449 0,998 0,987
Range.prototype.insertNode 13 13,138 12,920 460 5 8 455 452 0,989 0,983
HTMLFormControlsCollection.prototype.namedItem 13 12,714 12,623 2 211 19 25 2 192 2 186 0,991 0,989
Document.prototype.open 12 12,475 11,274 8 190 129 424 8 061 7 766 0,984 0,948
MessagePort.prototype.close 12 12,438 12,424 16 208 30 37 16 178 16 171 0,998 0,998
Document.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS 12 12,374 10,811 533 18 43 515 490 0,966 0,919
Document.prototype.close 12 12,086 11,944 7 731 212 245 7 519 7 486 0,973 0,968
SubtleCrypto.prototype.generateKey 12 11,876 11,503 985 48 59 937 926 0,951 0,940
Document.prototype.elementsFromPoint 12 12,469 11,365 46 938 44 1 598 46 894 45 340 0,999 0,966
Navigator.prototype.javaEnabled 11 10,892 10,892 110 665 3 677 3 679 106 988 106 986 0,967 0,967

More about FingerPrint Detector is written in the following blogpost.


The crawl identified JavaScript endpoints, often used to create a browser fingerprint. The observed data allow assigning weights for each endpoint. FingerPrint Detector configuration file uses the crawl results.