Performance Timeline (L2)

This wrapper aims on prevention of microarchitectural attacks, clock-skew attacks, and other time related attacks. The goal is to limit the precision of the time returned by the Performance Timeline API.

See also:, especially Sect. 7.2.

See also: Tom Van Goethem, Wouter Joosen, Nick Nikiforakis. The Clock is Still Ticking: Timing Attacks in the Modern Web. CCS'15. DOI:

See also: Schwarz, M., Lipp, M. a Gruss, D. JavaScript Zero: Real JavaScript and Zero Side-Channel Attacks. NDSS'18.

See also: Schwarz M., Maurice C., Gruss D., Mangard S. (2017) Fantastic Timers and Where to Find Them: High-Resolution Microarchitectural Attacks in JavaScript. In: Kiayias A. (eds) Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10322. Springer, Cham.

The wrappers support the following behaviour:

  • Round timestamp: Limit the precision by removing (a part of) the decimal part of the timestamp.
  • Randomize after rounding: Create a fake decimal part to confuse attackers and to create timestamps that look similar to expected timestamps.