Building from scratch

GNU/Linux and Mac OS

  1. Go to the project repository:
  2. Download the desired branch, e.g. as zip archive.
  3. Unpack the zip archive.
  4. Run make.
    • You will need common software, such as zip, wget, bash, awk, sed.
    • Note that running make removes all console.debug calls. If you want to keep such calls, run make debug.
  5. Import the extension to the browser.
    • Firefox
      1. Open about:debugging.
      2. Click the This Firefox option
      3. Click the Load Temporary Add-on button
      4. Select the file created by make.
    • Chromium-based browsers:
      1. Open chrome://extensions.
      2. Enable developper mode.
      3. Click Load unpacked.
      4. Import the jshelter_chrome/ directory created by make.


  1. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL):
  2. Go to the project repository:
  3. Download the desired branch, e.g. as zip archive.
  4. Unpack the zip archive.
  5. Open the JShelter project folder in WSL, run make.
    • Make sure that zip and all other necessary tools are installed.
    • Note that EOL in must be set to LF (you can use the tool dos2unix in WSL to convert CR LF to LF).
  6. On Windows, import the extension to the browser according to the instructions for Linux (above).